Ceremonial Fan + Personal Consultation Bundle
These fans are created for each individual using their essence as supported by their ancestors, teachers, guides, and passed loved ones.
For example, many people use these as a part of their wedding ceremony. They are also great for connecting with your spirit guides as channeled by Deb.
Personal Consultation entails:
You will meet with Deb so she can capture your essence & connect with your Spirit Guides in a deeper way to create your fan. Once the fan is complete, you meet with Deb again to go over each feather, crystal & handle spiritual meaning. Any messages received by Spirit will also be given to the recipient. It's a true blessing! Normally $222 on its own.
Ceremonial Fan includes:
- 8-13" in length
- Crystal base
- Medium weight
- Beautiful feathers chosen through your Spirit Guides
- Ceremonial essence for limitless possibilities
- Style completely unique to you
- Spirit Infused & birthed with a drumming ceremony under the new or full moon